Fake It Till You Make It

On All Things Relevant by Angie
3 min readJul 8, 2023


We have all been there in some way or another. Often citing it as a ‘survival strategy’ because we are consistently surrounded by perceptive individuals. From social interactions to professional endeavors, the ability to present oneself convincingly, even when faced with uncertainty or lack of confidence, can be a valuable skill.

Here’s why I think there’s nothing wrong in being ‘fake’.

Image by Square Frog from Pixabay

Disclaimer : Be fake without loosing your own self-judgment. As mentioned here : survival strategy.

Perception Leading To Opportunities

Perception is a powerful force that influences how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves. Faking it is essentially a performance designed to create a desired perception. By mastering the art of faking it, individuals can shape how they are perceived, potentially opening doors to opportunities and experiences that might otherwise be inaccessible.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Confidence and Self-Belief

One of the key elements of faking it is projecting confidence, even when doubts may be lingering inside. Confidence can be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as others are often drawn to individuals who exude self-assurance. By faking confidence, individuals may find themselves gradually developing genuine self-belief over time.

Authenticity vs. Adaptation

While faking it involves putting on a façade, it is essential to strike a balance between authenticity and adaptation. Faking it should not involve pretending to be someone completely different; rather, it is about emphasizing certain aspects of one’s personality or skills to suit a particular situation. Staying true to oneself while adapting to different contexts is key.

But wait…what can go wrong??

Image by Pheladi Shai from Pixabay

While faking it can be advantageous, there are potential drawbacks to consider. Over time, the strain of maintaining a façade can be mentally and emotionally exhausting. Additionally, relying too heavily on faking it may prevent individuals from addressing underlying insecurities or skill gaps. It is important to know when and where to draw the line between faking it and addressing personal growth areas. It is a skill that needs to be nurtured yet controlled so you don’t allow yourself into the pitfall of imagination without knowing how to get out of it. So be wise…

Some tricks that can help you navigate around this includes :

Body language: Pay attention to your body language as it can greatly influence how others perceive you. Adopt confident postures, maintain eye contact, and use open gestures to project confidence.

Positive self-talk: Train your mind to cultivate positive self-talk. Encourage yourself and reinforce a confident mindset, even when faced with uncertainty.

Preparation: Prioritize preparation for any situation you anticipate needing to fake it. Knowledge and preparation can provide a strong foundation to build upon, reducing the need for excessive faking.

Observe and learn: Observe individuals who excel in the areas you wish to project confidence in. Study their behaviors, mannerisms, and communication styles. Incorporate elements that resonate with you into your own repertoire.

Seek growth opportunities: Instead of relying solely on faking it, actively seek opportunities to develop the skills or knowledge you lack. Invest time in self-improvement to bridge the gap between faking it and genuine competence

Remember : The art of faking it is a delicate dance between projecting confidence and maintaining authenticity. While it can bring numerous advantages, it is crucial to find a healthy balance and to prioritize personal growth.



On All Things Relevant by Angie

Finding answers within a safe space to discuss things that happen around us, that affects us and people we surround.